Pearl Cotton’s Gefilte Fish
For this recipe, tell the fishmonger you want to net five pounds of ground fish – a combination of buffalo carp, whitefish, and pike, plus the heads, skins, and bones. This will make about 25 – 30 pieces of gefilte fish.
For the broth:
3 onions, sliced
3 carrots, peeled and cut in large chunks
3 celery stalks, cut in large chunks
2 parsnips, peeled and cut in large chunks
1 T salt
1 T pepper
fish heads, skins, and bones
Place all ingredients in a very large stockpot. Add water to cover. Bring to a boil and simmer for an hour. Strain broth, reserving carrot chunks for garnish. Divide the broth between two pots and leave, covered, at a gentle simmer to receive the fish balls.
For the fish balls:
5 lbs ground fish
2 onions, chopped very fine
4 eggs, lightly beaten
2 t salt
2 t pepper
2 T matzo meal
Mix everything together in a large bowl until thoroughly blended. Form fish into ovals with your hands, bigger than a golf ball but smaller than your fist. Place each ball gently into the waiting broth and simmer gently, covered, for 1 ½ to 2 hours. Check every now and then to make sure it’s not boiling too hard. Let the fish cool in the pan for a few hours, then remove balls to a large platter. Wrap platter in saran wrap and refrigerate overnight.
You can also chill the broth in a large bowl – it will gel, which some people like to eat with their fish – it’s called dralyas.
When serving, garnish each piece of fish with slices of the cooked carrot.